Undesired Lip Shape - A Klinik

Undesired Lip Shape

Undesired Lip Shape

Undesired Lip Shape

What is the undesired lip shape?


Lips are one of the important parts of our facial features. Having a good-looking lip shape is not only beautiful when you have no makeup, but also makes your facial features look more harmonious. If an undesired lip shape may affect the overall facial features. Undesired lip shape including thin lips, drooping lips, lacking lip definition, and uneven lips.

What causes variations in lip shape?


Many natural processes that occur as we age result in a visible change in lip shape. Typically, the corners of the mouth droop, the upper lip lengthens and inverts, the lower lip thins, and the lip curves decrease. These changes are linked to dental atrophy, collagen loss, and the natural evolution of bone structure, particularly in the jaw.


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How we can help you?

Make an appointment to consult our doctor at A Klinik.