Facial Disharmony - A Klinik

Facial Disharmony

Facial Disharmony

Facial Disharmony

The face is an important part of our body. When it comes to facial beauty, two concepts we should take note of are SYMMETRY & HARMONY.

Not only do we want to create beautiful features such as a nice rounded forehead, sharp nose, full curved lips, and perfectly carved chin, but we also want to make sure our facial features are in harmony with each other. 

Treatments :

  • Dermal Fillers
  • Thread lift
  • Etc


Our doctors have years of experience and are trained to diagnose and treat facial asymmetry. 


Every face is unique, so a proper consultation with our doctors is advised to customize a suitable plan for your face. 

How we can help you?

Make an appointment to consult our doctor at A Klinik.