Chin Enhancement - A Klinik

Chin Enhancement

Chin Enhancement

Chin Enhancement

What is chin enhancement?


A well-defined jawline structure is the cornerstone of a balanced attractive face, male or female. Chin enhancement, commonly referred to as “chin reshaping” or “chin filler,” is a non-surgical treatment aimed at improving the shape of the jaw or softening minor irregularities through dermal filler injections.

Why consider getting a chin enhancement?


If you’re bothered by a sunken or “weak” chin, or if you feel like your facial features aren’t proportionate enough, chin enhancement treatment can help you feel more confident about your appearance. 


Chin enhancement can 

  • Improve facial harmony by bringing the chin into better proportion with other features
  • Correcting a weak or recessed chin
  • Improve the definition of the neck and jawline

How we can help you?

Make an appointment to consult our doctor at A Klinik.